I went to my first hockey game a few nights ago. I have certainly seen my share of hockey games on TV. It is a fun game to watch if you are into that sort of thing. Looking back on that experience along with all the other I'll live theater and other live events I've attended, there's a
It is beginning of the spring art show season and with it comes all the artist newbies who are scooping out the art show scene. I was doing a show last weekend and I spoke to three people
Every year I hand make a few very special Christmas cards. This year, life interfered and I didn't have the time to do it. So, here, for your holiday pleasure, is the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" explanation that I sent with the plain, boring, printed cards...
_ At some point in an artist's life, he or she will receive that dreaded "skinny" letter from a show. Yes, the Rejection Letter. And, my fellow shy artists, this is one time that there really is no difference between a shy artist and a non-shy artist. We all go through the same sort of emotions when we open up that letter.
_ I've always been a proponent of getting to know your booth neighbors. Up until now, it has been from the point of view of having someone to watch your booth so you can take a bathroom break. And, for us shy artists, to get us connecting with less threatening people prior to a show starting.
_ I am working on the next book in The Shy Artist Guide series. I haven't settled on the title yet. For now I am calling it The Shy Artist's Guide to Answering Those Annoying Questions. It is filled with all those questions and comments that artists and crafters hear all the time. You know, like, "Did you make these?"
So, I was working on the chapter dealing with the comment, "That's the most hideous thing I have ever seen!" I have yet to come up with an appropriate response to this comment. And, I think it is probably best left alone. Here's an excerpt from the book. See what you think … I was selling at a show this weekend. The vendor next to me had her items priced very inexpensively. One of the things she would say to her customers was, "I'm a bargain hunter so I get my supplies cheap and I don't charge for my time." Grrrrr!!! Why wouldn't you charge for your time?!?!? This is one of those things that many of us do as artists. We undervalue ourselves. Maybe we think of our art as a hobby
I am getting read for a show this weekend. My car is all loaded. My hat is next to my keys. (I don't want to get sunburned like I did at my last show!) I am about to go make dinner and pack my lunch for tomorrow.
The problem is I am looking at a stack of unfinished artwork sitting on my work table. During the summer, I do an art show in Laguna Beach called the Art-A-Fair Festival. It is 2 month long show that is open every day. Today I went in to start painting my booth. I finished the first coat and over the next few days I'll do the faux finishing and bring in my print bins and counter.
About the AuthorHelping artists and crafters improve their sales, one word at a time. Categories
October 2018