All the previous years my hopes have been dashed. For whatever reasons, they did not accept my art.
Of course, the first thing I think when I get that rejection letter is that they don't like me.
It is not personal. The selection of artwork for a show or even a gallery is based on the needs of the show. Your art may be fabulous, but for any number of reasons, it just doesn't get accepted into a show. The style may not fit the show. Maybe it's the subject matter. It could be that the quality of your work, either too low, or even too high. There may already be too many other artists already in the show in your medium. Or maybe the jurors were just having a bad day.
There are just so many possible reasons that there is no way of knowing why your work gets rejected.
The point is if you are going to put your work out there, it is going to get judged. It may be judged by a juror when applying to a show, by a curator to get into a gallery or museum, or by the public when they purchase your work.
Any time your work is judged there is the possibility of rejection. The point is, don't take is personally. Keep trying. Would you rather have your work gathering dust in the closet, or out in the world where it can be seen? It's your choice.
Update: Well, another year, another rejection. I am drowning my sorrows in a box of See's molasses chips.