In this movie, the character named Wakko makes a wish. In a standard fairy tale cartoon, the fairy godmother would show up. But Animaniacs is not a standard cartoon. Instead, the person who shows up is the "Desire Fulfillment Facilitator."
What a great title! I would love to be called a Desire Fulfillment Facilitator. (Actually, I prefer Supreme High Potentate, but that's another story.)
So, let's play with this for a minute. What does it feel like when you have facilitated the fulfillment of your customer's desire? Or, putting it another way, how do you feel when you give your customer gets exactly what she wants?
It's a great feeling, isn't it?
I'm reminded of a memorable dinner at a favorite restaurant called Sundried Tomato. At the time, the manager of the place was Jason. My then boyfriend and I got to know Jason pretty well. We had become regulars at this restaurant. Jason quickly caught on to my penchant for desserts.
We had not been out to eat in several weeks because I was undergoing radiation treatments for cancer. When I was finally able to eat without the food tasting like metal, Sundried Tomato was the place I wanted to go.
As always, it was a fabulous meal. We were sitting at the table savoring the last bits of flavor from the food and sipping the last dregs of wine, when out came Jason. He was carrying a single large plate and he was wearing an enormous smile.
He set the plate on the table in front of me. I think my eyes must have been as wide as saucers. On this plate was a gigantic hunk of brownie covered in scoops of ice cream smothered in whipped cream dripping with hot fudge sauce sprinkled with chocolate chips, cherries, and nuts.
Jason had gone over and above. Not only did he have sympathy for what I had been going through, but he also understood my desire for dessert and fulfilled it perfectly. It really doesn't get any better than that.
So, what are you doing to fulfill the desires of your customers? Are you creating art that they love? Are you giving great customer service? Are you sending them newsletters with lots of great information? Or, maybe creating a special dessert just for them.
I will always remember that dessert. It was one of those perfect moments. Create those perfect moments for your customers and they will remember you, too.