It was windy. My outdoor booth setup includes attaching several of the heavy metal grids to the tent frame and 30 pound weight bags on each of the tent legs. While is still can move in a heavy wind, it is fairly stable.
My booth neighbor was not so lucky.
She had come back for one final check of her booth and found her tent had collapsed. Luckily, it happened after the show had closed down for the evening. She had already boxed up all of her inventory to take home for the night so none of her artwork was damaged. The tent, however, did not survive.
Now, you might think that she gave up on the show. She did not.
This artist gamely returned the next day. Although she had far fewer items displayed, she wasn’t going to give up. I let her hang some of her pieces off the side of my tent and she tried to find shade wherever she could.
So, for her fortitude I am naming Mo McGee my featured artist for the month. You can see more of her art here: