It sure is.
What I'm finding is that I keep trying to filter. In other words, rather than just speaking continually, like in a conversation, I have the tendency to stop and ponder what the next words are going to be, sometimes for quite a few minutes.
If I had been typing this blog post, the words would have just flowed out of my fingers and onto the page. Forcing myself to speak the words instead seems to be forcing my brain to work differently. I'm not used to thinking this way.
At first it was a difficult process. I found that my pauses between sentences, and even sometimes words, were very long. I even had to walk away from the computer sometimes and come back before I could complete the thought.
The software is supposed to make it faster and easier to get things in writing. When I first started out using it, it took me way longer to speak what I wanted. I could have typed it way faster. However, now that I've had some practice using Dragon, I am getting better at collecting my thoughts and verbalizing them.
And, this process of thinking out loud is also helping me in my communications with other people. It feels like I'm training my brain to bypass the fingers and go straight to the mouth. I'm still not as good as I'd like to be getting words out of my mouth. But I feel like using the software is definitely helping.