Last year was one of the worst years I have experienced in a long time. I had several shows where I didn't even make booth fee and two shows where I actually sold nothing.
You'd think after doing this for so many years that I would know what I am doing and would be successful. Right?
Sometimes I feel just as much in the dark as those of you who are just starting out doing shows. Although at least now I know enough to charge for my labor. But it still gets me thinking… Do I really know as much as I think I do?
I don't know that answer to that question. What I do know that I still have much to learn. And, it's knowing that there is so much that I still don't know that's causing me to feel like a fraud.
Thankfully, there is something I can do about this feeling. I will keep reading and learning. And, I will revisit my business plan. I think it may be time to reevaluate what I am trying to do with my art.
What are you doing to improve your artistic skills?