Today's resource is My house is overflowing with two things: fabrics and books. I have donated to the library, but other than a good feeling about donating to the library, I don't get anything for it. I have tried selling to used bookstores, but I don't even get the cost of my gasoline back. And try selling books on Amazon or eBay and you're competing with the big sellers who can list books for $0.99 or even less. So, how to get some value back from all those books? Enter
Now, the really cool thing is once you start shipping out books you start building up credits. You can use these credits to request books from all the other members on the site. I have received some really great books this way including marketing books, business books, and even art books. Sometimes, with the really popular or rare books, you may have to be on the waiting list for a while. Oh, and yes, I have managed to get rid of more books than I have requested.
So, if this sounds like something you would be interested in, click on the blue button below. And, no, I don't make any money if you click the link. But if you do sign up through the link below, I'll get one book credit.